Xiaotong (Mint) Ren

Xiaotong (Mint) Ren
I am an ecologist and conservationist with a general interest in understanding and conserving birds and their habitats, from mudflats to mountains. My research interests lie in the ecology and conservation of migratory birds, with a particular focus on the anthropogenic impacts to migratory landbirds in the East Asian-Australasian Flyway.
Prior to joining the Drongos, I worked as a research assistant at Peking University investigating the breeding and migration ecology of Wood Snipe (which is a perfect combination of shorebird and landbird!). I completed my BSc at Fudan University, China and MSc at the University of Queensland, Australia studying migratory shorebird ecology and conservation at both flyway and global scales. I am also an avid birdwatcher and a semi-professional soccer player outside of work.