Wahyu Nurbandi

Wahyu Nurbandi
I am interested in conservation science and policy, with a particular emphasis on conservation social science and wildlife trade. My research aims to examine the complex structure of wildlife trade, particularly the socio-ecological dimensions of wildlife trade in Indonesia, and potentially elsewhere in Southeast Asia. Regarding taxa, I am interested in looking at species beyond charismatic megafauna.
Prior to joining Princeton, I worked for Wildlife Works Carbon to do research and develop technical documents on the implementation of REDD+ projects in relation to the certification and trade of carbon credits. I also have working experience with TRAFFIC, Global Initiative against Transnational Organized Crime, and World Resources Institute (WRI) Indonesia as a researcher looking at environmental crimes, notably illegal wildlife trade, illegal logging, and artisanal and small-scale gold mining. I completed an MSc in Biodiversity, Conservation, and Management at Mansfield College, University of Oxford as an Oxford-Islamic Development Bank (IsDB) Scholar (2022) and a BSc in Geography from Universitas Gadjah Mada (UGM), Indonesia (2018).